p4ges - Can Paying 4 Global Ecosystem Services reduce poverty?
The p4ges project has conducted important new research on hydrological impacts of land use change. To extrapolate these results to larger scale relies on climate data. Such data is useful for many research and applied reasons. Unfortunately Madagascar, like many countries in Africa, has a relatively limited network of meteorological network. Through p4ges CoI Dr Ilja van Meerveld, p4ges has facilitated the Trans-African Hydro Meteorological Observatory (THAMO) to place 5 state-of-the-art weather stations in key locations across Madagascar. The weather stations are being managed by local schools (sometimes with the support of local NGOs). So far the weather stations have been installed in Ambatondrazaka, Fort Dauphin and Ikongo. We expect further installations in Anosy be An’Ala and one other site soon.
The weather stations beam data directly to ‘the cloud’ so they can contribute to global data sets in real time, as well as providing data which can be used locally e.g. by local schools and their surrounding community. Barry Ferguson who was involved in the installation in the Lycee in Tanambao, Fort Dauphin “The pupils involved in the EcoSchools programme had fun making the foundations and installing it etc and we look forward to exploring the data with them over time.”
Thanks to the THAMO for providing the weather stations, Ny Tanintsika, Lycee Ikongo, Madagasikara Voakajy and the Lycee Tanambao, Fort Dauphin.