p4ges - Can Paying 4 Global Ecosystem Services reduce poverty?
On the 22nd June, 2015 the Laboratoire des Radio-Isotopes (part of the University of Antananarivo) will be hosting a high-profile event at the Hotel Panorama looking at ‘Soil, Forests and Agriculture: what challenges are faced from climate change in Madagascar?’ The event is accredited as a side-event of the United National Framework Convention on Climate Change’s (UNFCC) scientific meeting ‘Our common Future under Climate Change’ (which is to be held in July in Paris in preparation for the conference of the parties of the UNFCC meeting in December).
The aim of this event in Madagascar is to bring together the scientific and policy community with civil society groups to look at issues such as
(i) the past-present-future of climate change
(ii) Importance of soils to face climate change
(iii) Agriculture within the context of climate change
(iv) Climate change, forests and biodiversity. The meeting will help inform the position of the Malagasy delegation to the UNFCC conference in December. The project has some direct support from espa as part of their regional opportunities fund (which aims to enhance the impact of espa-related research.
The poster is available here and here.
The event is free to attend-all are welcome.